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    帕姆姑妈(转载翻译 原作 HBrushed)

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      这个小小的家庭聚会非常有趣,而且进展得很顺利。我很少能见到辛迪(Cindy, Cynthia的爱称),我11岁的侄女,但这些年来她和我已经成为很好的朋友。我比我哥哥和他的妻子年轻得多,有着年轻人的精力和兴奋感,可以陪她多玩玩。由于辛迪现在在小联盟中打棒球,我就拿起球和手套,一起打了一下午的棒球。当辛迪拼命地投出她所谓的 全垒打 时,乐趣戛然而止。尽管我尽力去接住这个疯狂的球,但它还是撞到了挡风玻璃上,然后弹到了我兄弟的卡车引擎盖上。当我看到玻璃上形成的小蜘蛛网时,我知道有麻烦。



      对不起,妈妈! 爸爸……对不起,我很抱歉!这是这个哭泣的11岁孩子所能说出的全部话语,而可怜的辛迪开始哭得更厉害了,因为她的母亲告诉她:你可能认为你现在很抱歉,小姑娘,但当我打你的小屁股时,你会更难过的——而且是你的光屁股,小小姐!


      不要以为你在这件事上很容易脱身,帕姆(Pam, Pamela的爱称),他生气地说:你要为我的汽车保险支付免赔额才能解决这个问题!辛迪会被狠狠地打一顿,而你会从你的钱包里掏出一大笔钱。当琳恩领着这个抽泣的女孩从前门进来时,她的手正可怜兮兮地放在短裤上,辛迪的哭泣让我心碎。当她转过身,用满是泪痕的脸直视着我寻求帮助时,我感到很害怕。















      琳恩没有浪费时间,她把我拉到她的腿上。啪!当发刷第一次打在我的光屁股上时,给我带来的惊讶还要多于痛苦。啪!啪!啪!啪 啪!啪!啪!她继续拍打着。在持续的击打下,这种刺痛逐渐变成了真正的疼痛,我开始扭动身体,并发出轻微的呜咽。然后,她把发刷重重挥下,发出强有力的啪啪声,正好打在我的大腿和屁股相接处最柔软的肉上,甚至靠近了私处。老天,这太痛了!!!!我尖叫起来,在空中拼命甩动手脚,最后整个人从她的腿上滚到地上。



      多恩又抽了我一两下,他的手几乎和琳恩的发刷一样刺痛了我赤裸的屁股,而我正试图让我的光屁股从他的大手上逃开。我突然意识到,当我面对着琳恩时,她已经脱下了我的内裤,并迅速把我放在她的膝盖上,所以只有她看到了我修剪得很精致的阴毛。而现在,多恩把我从地板上拖起来了。当我在房间中央一边 跳舞 ,一边被抱着打屁股时,每个人都看到了我的全部身体,我感到非常难堪。

      当你长大了,妈妈不能把你按到膝盖上打你的时候,她就把你放在床上打你的屁股,小姑娘…… “他把我拖到床边,现在趴下吧,帕姆——你的打屁股还没开始呢。随着一下特别用力的巴掌,他松开了我。当我爬到床上时,我已经哭了,但我知道更糟糕的事情还在后面。把你的手压在肚子下面,小姑娘。多恩说道,用的正是妈妈总是用来开启惩罚的那句话。我把两只手在自己的肚子下面互相握着,将我的屁股再次完全暴露出来。在我被打屁股的时候,我不可能再伸手了。


      对不起,琳恩……这只是一个意外……” 啪!啪!啪!啪!打屁股的动作又开始了。一下! 两下! 啪!啪!啪!啪!啪!琳恩也许是个娇小的女人,但她打起屁股来就像传说中的亚马逊女战士一样有力。当发刷持续刺痛着我的光屁股时,我忍不住在床上到处扭动。啪!啪!啪!啪!啪! !!!!”这是是我唯一能说出的话了。天哪,这真的太疼了。啪! 啪! 啪!啪!啪!啪!啪!啪!啪!啪!啪!啪!最后,我崩溃了,开始真正地哭喊了起来,就像几分钟前辛迪那样扭动着身子,踢着腿。多么尴尬啊,我甚至不能像个成熟的大姑娘一样接受我的打屁股惩罚! 啪!啪!啪!啪!我一边在床上嚎啕大哭,哭喊着说:求求你,琳恩,不要再打了,我很抱歉!一边在大家面前扭动我的屁股,而给我打屁股却正是我的嫂子。更糟糕的是,小辛迪显得比我更勇敢地接受了她光屁股挨打惩罚。



      就在我控制住哽咽的时候,我听到琳恩气势汹汹的声音:现在,你到底多大了,帕梅拉?我被吓坏了!!!!!!!!!我记起了几分钟前辛迪喊出 “11” 时发生的事情,吓得魂飞魄散。上帝啊,她不会再打我24下吧?不,琳恩,求你了,我已经受够了,不要再打了,求你了,我真的,真的很抱歉!我哭着说。

      啪!!!发刷再次刺痛了我灼热的屁股。我问你了一个问题,小姑娘,我希望你能立刻回答!又一下打屁股! 啪!啪!啪!啪!啪!现在,告诉我你多大了,帕梅拉!

      琳恩,我哭了,感觉很像一个被打屁股的小女孩,不要再打了,求你了!!!!!” 我忍不住像一个流着鼻涕的九岁小孩一样恳求道:求你了,琳恩——你打我的屁股比辛迪更加….”









      啪!“1他数着,啪! “2诶呀!!!!!!!”345″,每一次都比上一次更用力,节奏缓慢而慎重,每两下之间只有一两秒钟时间让我吸气。“6, 7, 8…” 他在我颤抖的两瓣屁股挥舞。在我的心中,仿佛有一个 大女孩 正惊恐地看着自己的哥哥把他所有的注意力都用在研究我的光屁股,并计划他的下一次打屁股上。而我心中的另一个 小女孩 则只是单纯地害怕哥哥用他的发刷打我的光屁股。

      “16171819 “啊啊啊! 我受不了……他现在开始打我的大腿处,就在我屁股下方,求求你!!!!多恩!!!!”


      哇啊啊!!!!!” 在被拉下内裤,用发刷打光屁股后,谁能意识到自己还是个24岁的女孩呢?我觉得自己现在就像一个六岁的女孩,一边哭一边扭动着我滚烫屁股,哇啊啊啊!!!!! “我双手紧紧抓住我火热的臀部,哭着在床上滚来滚去,完全不在乎我自己现在的状态。






      Aunt Pam

      The little family get-together was great fun and going so well. I rarely got to see Cindy, my 11-year-old niece, but she and I had become great friends over the years. Being so much younger than my brother and his wife, I had the energy and excitement of youth to play with her more. Since Cindy was now playing baseball in little league, I grabbed a ball and glove and we played baseball all afternoon. The fun stopped dramatically when Cindy wildly threw what she called a 'home run ball'. In spite of my best efforts to catch the crazy throw, it slammed into the windshield, then bounced onto the hood of my brothers truck. As I watched the small spider-web form in the glass, I knew that there would be trouble.

      Cindy was already crying when she ran up to the truck, and I gave her a big hug and assured her that it was all my fault. “I'm dead, I'm dead,” she kept saying, “I'm in so much trouble!” The front door flew open, and the house emptied to see what caused such a loud noise. My parents were quiet as they saw the damage, and my brother silently examined what we had done to his beloved truck. My sister-in-law, Lynn, was furious, and being very vocal about it.

      “You know better than to play baseball next to the truck, Cynthia, what is the matter with you? Look at what you have done, young lady, how could you do this?” I kept trying to intervene, to explain that it was my fault and not Cindy's, but Lynn told me to keep out of it. Finally my brother Don got into the act, and he was yelling at me just as much as he was at Cindy.

      “I'm sorry, Mommy! Daddy…I'm sorry, I'm sooo sorry!” was all that the crying 11 year old could muster to say, and poor Cindy started crying much harder when her mother told her, “You may think that you are sorry now, young lady, but you will be much sorrier by the time I finish spanking your little bottom for you – your bare bottom, little miss!”

      “Now, Lynn,” I started, “It really was all my fault. Please don't spank Cindy for this, she doesn't deserve it.” Before Lynn could respond to me, big brother Don jumped in to the fray again.

      “Don't think you are getting off easy on this, Pam,” he said angrily, “You'll be paying the deductible on my insurance to have this fixed! Cindy is going to get a good spanking, and you'll be dipping into your wallet for some big bucks.” As Lynn lead the sobbing girl, whose hand was protectively splayed across the seat of her shorts, in through the front door Cindy's crying was breaking my heart. When she turned and looked right at me for help with her tear streaked face, I felt horrible.

      Don turned to my mom and asked if her hairbrush was still in the dresser drawer. Now it was my turn to be horrified. “Oh, Don, please don't tell me that you are going to spank that little girl with a hairbrush for this! C'mon for goodness sakes!” I had already heard Lynn telling Cindy that she would be spanking her bare bottom, and I well knew from much personal experience that adding a hairbrush to this vignette would really sting poor Cindy's bottom. “It was an accident and I'll pay the bills for it!! Let the poor kid go, or at least just use your hand to spank her!” Don ignored me and mother, having used her hairbrush on bare 11 year-old bottoms for much less than dented hoods and cracked windshields, was in silent agreement with Lynn and Don's plans, and told him that the brush was where it had always been.

      When we finally got inside, Cindy and Lynn were already upstairs and I suspected that Lynn was already undressing my niece. Don grimly headed up the steps, and mom gave me a look of disgust as she said, “If you were ten years younger and I was ten years younger, I would be spanking your bare bottom too, Pamela. I hope that you are ashamed of yourself.” I knew what I had to do and started upstairs.

      As I reached the second floor, I saw the door to my parents bedroom was closed, and I heard Don and Lynn both scolding Cindy, and Cindy's sobbing apologies. When the loud and distinct sounds of a spanking started on the other side of the door, I knew what I should do…what I ought to do, but did I have the courage?

      I grabbed the door knob, and stepped in, quickly closing the door behind me. Poor little Cindy was draped across her mom's lap, feet high in the air, and her head almost on the floor. Her shorts were laying on the floor, and her little panties were down around her knees. Lynn was indeed spanking Cindy's cute little bare bottom with mom's old hairbrush, and the poor girl had had little red circles on each bare cheek. Cindy was sobbing and squealing enough to break my heart, and kicking as much as the thin ribbon of pink cotton around her knees would allow her. Don gave me a look that could kill from his position across the room, but I just stared at my feet while my little friend learned her lesson on her mother's knee.

      Finally, the hairbrush spanking came to a stop. After giving Cindy a moment to get her sobs under control, Lynn asked her, “How old are you, little Miss Cynthia?”

      “Nooo, mommy, please!!!!!” came the crying reply from my little niece as she scissored her feet with renewed vigor.

      With a hard crack of the hairbrush right across the middle of Cindy's cute little rear, Lynn again demanded, “How old are you, Cynthia Dawn?”

      Cindy squealed and kicked her feet as she squeaked “Eleven, mommy, pleeeassse noooo!”

      The hairbrush slapped down across the little red bottom, “1,” said Lynn, and slowly continued to spank while counting each spank out loud, “2, 3, 4, … 9, 10, and 11. This is what happens when an 11 year old girl needs to be spanked, young lady, and it can well happen to you again, Cynthia Dawn . Do you understand me?”

      Cindy was squealing and crying hard, and I was amazed! I had never seen a spanking end this way, and only found out later that it was how every one of poor little Cindy's spankings ended…one spank for every year, with the reminder of what to expect if she needs to be spanked again.

      Having finished Cindy's spanking, Lynn turned her attention to me. Still holding my red-bottomed niece across her lap she started yelling at me. “This is none of your business, Pam. Get out of here. Haven't you caused enough trouble for Cindy today without barging in here while she's getting her spanking? What in the hell is the matter with you, anyhow?”

      I stammered as I looked at Cindy's red and squirmy bottom. Cindy was crying even harder as she realized that her Aunt Pammie had seen her getting her bare bottom spanked. “I….I…umm….I….I came to get my sp…sp….my spanking too.” I caught my breath and continued, “Cindy and I were playing together….it's only fair that I get spanked since she got spanked.”

      Lynn was only momentarily shocked before she replied, “I've always thought that you were a spoiled little brat…there's nothing I'd like better than to blister your backside. Get over here!” As I shuffled across the room, Lynn helped Cindy to her feet. With her little panties still pulled down and both of her hands on her burning bottom, I saw all the soft bare skin below her waist and became acutely aware of what I was about to display.

      Lynn grabbed my hand and yanked me in front of her. I shuddered and blushed to have Lynn undo and pull down my shorts, leaving me in only a flimsy pair of almost sheer nylon panties. As she firmly pushed my shorts to my ankles, she told me to step out of them. As I kicked my pants off on the floor next to Cindy's, I blushed to have everybody seeing me in just my little underpants. The embarrassment of being dressed only in my thin underwear lasted only a few seconds until Lynn caught hold of my panties and pulled them right down to my ankles. I blushed scarlet red as my triangle of dark hair was displayed to my sister-in-law and I knew that my brother and Cindy were seeing my 24 year old bare bottom.

      Lynn wasted no time as she pulled me across her lap. SPANK! The first hairbrush-spank cracked across my bare bottom, giving me more surprise than pain. SPANK! SPANK! SPANK! she continued, and the tingle grew into real smarting, and I started to wriggle and whimper a little. Then she brought the big wooden brush down with a mighty crack right onto the tenderest flesh where my thighs and bottom meet and curve inward. Holy Hannah that hurt!!!! WOW !!! I shrieked, flailed my arms and legs in the air and rolled completely off her lap onto the floor.

      Lynn was surprised at having lost me, but I was much bigger and stronger than the 11 year old girl she was accustomed to spanking. As I lay on my side on the floor, pretty surprised myself, I realized that I was the center of attraction. Cindy, Lynn and Don were all staring right at me…who knew what to do? Was my spanking over? Was I hurt by the fall? Could Lynn put me over her knees again and spank me some more after this? Big brother finally took charge, and it was obvious that he was still quite mad at me.

      He took hold of my arm and pulled me up to my feet…a most ungraceful and unlady-like feat of acrobatics. With my panties still binding my ankles, my legs went in and out like a slapstick actor portraying a drunk as I tried to get and keep my balance. I was horrified to be displaying everything intimate to my big brother, my angry sister-in-law, and my wide-eyed niece, but I had no control over my own movements at that moment!

      Don gave me another smack or two, his bare hand stinging my bare bottom almost as much as Lynn's brush had, and I was trying to dance my bare rear away from his big hand. It occurred to me that Lynn had stripped down my panties when I was facing her, and had quickly draped me over her knee, so only she had seen my delicately trimmed pubic patch. Now, with Don dragging me up from the floor, holding and spanking me as I danced in the middle of the room, everybody was seeing all of me, and I was so embarrassed.

      “When you got too big for mom to turn you over her knee to spank you, she put you on her bed for your spankings, little lady…” he dragged me to the edge of the bed, “Now lay down Pam — your spanking hasn't even started yet.” With an extra firm spank, he let me go. As I crawled onto the bed I was crying, but I knew that the worst was yet to come. “Lock your hands under your belly, young lady,” Don said, using the exact phrase mom always used to get us to uncover her target. With both hands holding each other under my belly, my bottom was completely on display again, and I was unlikely to reach back as I got my spanking.

      I shuddered as I saw Lynn over my shoulder as she approached the side of the bed, hairbrush in hand. When I went across Lynn's knees a few moments ago I was pretty cocky and confident that while it would be embarrassing and perhaps a little stingy, a spanking was nothing for a 24 year old girl to really worry about. After the few spanks I had received, and with Don's unexpected participation, I was more than a little worried and began to try to talk Lynn into an easy spanking.

      “I'm sorry, Lynn…it was just an accident…” CRACK! The spanking started again. SPANK! SPANK! SPANK! She may have been a petite woman, but Lynn was spanking with the strength of a mythical Amazon Woman, and I wriggled all over the bed as the hairbrush stung my bare bottom. SPANK! SPANK! SPANK! “ooooo!!!!” was all I could say, geez this was hurting, SPANK! SPANK! SPANK! Finally I broke down and started crying real tears, squirming and kicking like Cindy had been doing a few minutes ago. How embarrassing, I can't even take my spanking like a big girl! SPANK! SPANK! SPANK! Here I am bawling and squealing, “Please Lynn, no more, I'm sorry!” and squirming my bottom around right in front of everybody, while my sister-in-law gives me a spanking. Heck, little Cindy took her bare bottomed spanking more bravely than I was!

      Now I was remembering why I so feared these visits to this room with my mom or dad, to have my panties pulled down and my bare bottom soundly hairbrushed. There was no age factor of protection to me, and my bare rear was stinging just as it had during my sessions with the hairbreush in my teens!

      SPANK! SPANK! SPANK It seemed to go on forever! Finally the long and horrible hairbrushing was over, and I laid on the bed crying like a well spanked little girl.

      Just as I got my choking sobs under control, I heard Lynn's menacing voice, “And now, just how old are you, Pamela?” I was horrified!! I had seen what happened when Cindy squeaked out “11” just a few minutes ago, and was scared to death. Surely to God she wasn't going to give me 24 more spanks??? “No, Lynn, please, I have had enough, no more, please, I'm really, really sorry!” I cried.

      SPANK!!! The hairbrush stung my burning bottom again, “I asked you a question young lady, and I expect an answer!” SPANK! SPANK! “Now, tell me how old you are, Pamela!”

      “Lyyyynnnn,” I cried, feeling very much like a spanked little girl, “Noooo more, pleeeassee!!!!!” I couldn't help myself as I pleaded like a snotty little nine-year-old, “Please, Lynn – you spanked me so much harder than Cindy….”

      SPANK! SPANK! SPANK!!! “Am I going to have to ask you again, Miss Pamela, or should I just keep spanking until you are ready to answer me?” SPANK! SPANK! SPANK!!! “I am waiting, young lady,” SPANK!!

      My stomach cramped and my bottom clenched when I heard Don say, “She's 24, Lynn, and I'll take care of this part.”

      “No!! Don!! Please, Don, no” I shrieked, “I can't take any more of this, please don't spank me any more,” I bawled.

      “Give me the hairbrush, Lynn.” I peeked over my shoulder to see Lynn handing the awful brush to my brother, “No!! Doonnnn, please not with that brush, please Dooonn!!!”

      “Lock your hands again, Pamela!” SPANK!

      “Please, Donnie, please. I don't have my underpants on!” As if he wasn't aware of my state of undress as I wriggled around on the bed, “Please don't spank me while I'm bare, Donnie, Pleaassee!!!”

      “Now, Pamela….you have needed this ever since Mom and Dad quit spanking you.”

      “Noooo, Doonn, Pleaasee!!! I've already had my spanking!!”, I begged and squirmed, but reached my hands together under me.

      SPANK! “1,” he announced, SPANK! “2,” Boo-hoo!!!!!! SPANK “3, 4, 5,” each one harder than the last, in a slow and deliberate cadence, with just a second or two to draw my breath between each one. “6, 7, 8…” He spreads them out across both sides of my throbbing bottom. The 'big-girl' in me was horrified to have my elder brother applying all of his concentration to studying my bare bottom and planning his next spank. The 'little girl 'in me was horrified to have my elder brother applying his hairbrush to my bare bottom.

      “16, 17, 18, 19” AAuurrggh! I can't make it…he is spanking only my thighs now, right at the base of my cheeks, “PLeeeassse Doooon!!!!”

      “20,” OOOOOO !!! I squeal as he hits the same delicate place that Lynn had found earlier, and delivers the last four on the same tender patch of skin, “21, 22, 23, 24!!! This is what happens when a 24 year old girl needs to be spanked, young lady, and it can well happen to you again, Pamela Joan . Do you understand me?”

      “Whaaa!!!!!” Who can feel like a 24 year old girl after having her panties pulled down and getting a bare bottomed spanking with a hairbrush? I feel like a six year old girl as I cry and wiggle my hot bottom, “Whhhaaaa!!!!! ” With both hands clutching my burning rear I cry and roll around on the bed with absolutely no care of the spectacle I am making.

      In a very stern, maternal sort of way, Lynn said, “You two young ladies stay here until you're done crying, then you may rejoin the family. And if I get any attitude out of either of you, or if you pout around and try to ruin the rest of the day for the rest of us, I will take down your panties and spank both of you again, do you hear me?” Cindy squeaked her understanding, but I just buried my head in the pillow. Cindy whose little Disney panties were back up again, hopped up on mom's side of the bed, and grabbed the other pillow for her tears, and we both stayed in that room for more than an hour.

      Finally, with the seriousness and innocence of youth, Cindy said to me, “Aunt Pam, your bum is really red!” I started to laugh at her sincerity and concern, and said, “Well your mom and dad just gave me a spanking! And your bottom isn't white anymore either, you know!” The tension broken, we both laughed and cried at the same time.

      As I retrieved my panties from my ankles and we both picked up and pulled on our shorts, Cindy confessed, “Wow! I didn't know that big girls got spankings too, Aunt Pam. Mommy spanked you harder than she has ever spanked me, and I never got my last spanks as hard as you got!”

      “Sweetheart,” I told her as I swept her in my arms and gave her a big bear hug, “Big girls only get spankings like that when they behave like naughty little girls. Your mommy and daddy gave me just what I deserved.”






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